Saturday, April 3, 2010

Welcome Bloggers

Congratulations to the champion riders at the District 5 Gymkhana, Saturday, June 5, 2010

 ALPACA TRIM! I trimmed my first alpaca this week. Spirit was not too happy at first, but once she realized I was not going to hurt her, she did much better with allowing the process. Look for photographs soon (as soon as I find my cord to download the camera to the computer). *****************************************************************

May 1, and May 2, 2010 I spent the two days at the Livermore Stampede. I was in the parking lot shoeing, trimming and tacking shoes back on horse's feet. I saw a lot of friends and made new ones. It was very pleasant weather so it was not too hot horse shoeing. Seemed like everyone was having a good time. The trend was that the horses that where shod on Thursday threw shoes. I put them back on at the owner's delight. That meant they could continue riding and not have to go home. I learned a lot and am looking forward to my next event. Thank you to all my clients and customers.

I had a great time at the Whole Horse Wellness Clinic. My demonstration consisted of me lecturing about bare foot trimming. I did not prepare a set speech, but did the demo on the fly. It turned out pretty well. I had to finish the trim out back after the demo. I had a small crowd watch the demo and the trim. The mare was wonderful. She did not have any feet issues. The owner was grateful. On Sunday I trimmed another horse that really did not have any unusual hoof issues, but I did get some very happy audience as they were in hopes of doing their own trims... I wished them all wellness.

Good job horse and riders!

1 comment:

  1. Cheryl trimmed my horse's hooves a couple of Saturdays ago, and I could not have been more pleased. I was anticipating a huge ordeal with Morgan since she had been "quicked" by the farrier who trimmed her previously. It resulted in a great deal of discomfort for Morgan to the point of lameness. So, I was extremely nervous. I explained Morgan's experience to Cheryl, then I asked her if she would trim Morgan in the round pen. No problem. I was prepared to hold Morgan, but that wasn't necessary. I have never seen anyone establish a rapport with a horse so quickly (and she didn't rush). She said that Morgan was just scared, so she took her time and did the needful. It wss a totally positive experience for Morgan. I highly recommend Cheryl to anyone who needs farrier services.
